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Gas Heat guns

Gas heat guns are necessary for fast and efficient heating of household and industrial premises with good ventilation.

Gas heat guns are direct heating heaters, which implies that the products of gas combustion are not removed from the premises, but are released into the air of the heated room.

Gas heat guns of the Kafer series

Compact heat guns on liquefied (balloon) gas of direct heating. All models of guns are equipped with high-performance stainless steel burners. The durable metal body with powder coating without lead content reliably protects the heat guns from damage and corrosion.

Models: Kafer 75, Kafer 100R, Kafer 180R.

K2C-G E Series Gas Heat Guns

They operate on liquefied (balloon) gas, are equipped with a remote thermostat to automatically maintain the temperature in the room, have a double electric valve, a thermocouple and a safety thermostat for safe operation. The guns of this series are equipped with an electric motor with thermal protection and an on-off control system using an ambient temperature thermorel. The guns of this series have an IP44 insulation degree. The safety of the flame in the guns is controlled using a thermocouple thermorel and an electromagnetic valve.

Models: K2C-G 250 E, K2C-G 400 E, K2C-G 600 E.

NG-L Series Gas Heat Guns

They are used for heating industrial and agricultural premises, warehouses with good ventilation. NG-L series heat guns can also be used for economical heating and drying of various objects in construction. Gas heat guns are highly efficient in operation, the heat transfer of gas guns is almost 100%, gas guns have high power (up to 143 kW) with low weight and small dimensions.

Models: NG-LE 10, NG-L 30, NG-L 50, NG-L 80, NG-L 100.

Diesel heat guns

Diesel heat guns or liquid fuel heat guns are used as autonomous heat sources, which can always be easily delivered, quickly put into operation and get high thermal power in the absence of necessary heating communications.

Diesel heat guns are used in agriculture, construction sites, industry for rapid heating of premises.

Diesel heat guns of the Mizar series

Diesel heat guns without a chimney are used for heating warehouse, industrial and agricultural premises with good ventilation, economical heating and drying of objects in construction.

Models: MIZAR 20, MIZAR 40, MIZAR 60, MIZAR 105.

Diesel heat guns of the Antares series

Diesel-fueled heat guns with the removal of combustion products (flue) are used for heating closed warehouses, industrial and agricultural premises, as well as heating and drying facilities in construction. Liquid fuel heat guns with the removal of combustion products have insignificant efficiency losses due to indirect air heating.

Models: ANTARES 25, ANTARES 80.

Price list


All EURONORD products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant EURONORD: air conditioners, heat guns, universal burners, heat generators, infrared heaters, hot water boilers, dehumidifiers and air purifiers
  • Household air conditioners EURONORD
    Household air conditioners
    ArcticLight, ArcticStar, etc.
  • Semi-industrial systems EURONORD
    Semi-industrial systems
    PackIce CS, PackIce CH, etc.
  • Multi-zone VRF systems EURONORD
    Multi-zone VRF systems
    Igloo et al.
  • Air Purifiers EURONORD
    Air Purifiers
    AirCrystal et al.
  • Heat guns EURONORD
    Heat guns
    Kafer, K2C-G E, NG-L, Mizar, etc.
  • Universal burners EURONORD
    Universal burners
    EcoLogic et al.
  • Heat generators EURONORD
    Heat generators
    S, AT-306, etc.
  • Infrared heaters EURONORD
    Infrared heaters
    W12, etc.
  • Steel hot water boilers EURONORD
    Steel hot water boilers
    K et al .
  • Dehumidifiers EURONORD
    PoolMaster, AirMaster, etc.


Since 1993, the EURONORD brand has been producing and selling industrial and household equipment for heating, dehumidification, ventilation and air conditioning. The main criterion remains the reliability and quality of the manufactured equipment, its high maintainability and affordable price.

    The company's research staff and marketers regularly conduct the necessary research, as a result of which new and new product samples are created that meet all modern requirements.

    Rational use of materials in the production of Euronord products allows you to reduce its cost, and, as a result, provides acceptable, affordable prices for buyers.

    A competent combination of the properties of the manufactured equipment quickly became in demand among ordinary consumers. Today, Euronord devices firmly occupy the first lines in rating studies by popularity.

Information Board EURONORD

Learn more about our products EURONORD.
  • Price list for завода EURONORD products
    Price list for EURONORD products
  • EURONORD equipment catalog завода EURONORD
    EURONORD equipment catalog


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